Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog # 5

First word: (ROCK)
Write out a few lines of your thoughts about this word. Just brainstorm here – a mind dump. You can write down any thoughts that come into your head as you think about the word, maybe synonyms, uses of the object, memories or whatever comes to mind.
I think my friend came up with the best word for an inanimate object/thing. I can't think of anything else that is inanimate like a rock. It just sits there and does nothing unless something acts upon it (force) to make it move. Some synonyms could be stone or things similar to it: bricks, baseballs (solid hard), pebbles, asteroids, comets, volcanoes. Some of the uses for a rock include anything that involves excerting force on it like throwing it to break a window or to hit something or also catching (playing a strange game of catch with rock). Some memories that come to mind when I think of a rock include being hit with a rock by a kid when I was little. I also remember silly things from my childhood like breaking a window with a rock. Basically negative associations come to mind when I think of a rock.

Second word: (WOOD)
This word that my friend came up with has a lot uses and almost limitless thoughts and ideas popped into to my head. With many uses being my first idea, they can include changing the make up of wood to create something useful like chairs, paper, pencils, bats, houses, floors, cups, walls, roofs, weapons, desks, counters, and so on (just a big list of things that are made out of wood). Some synonyms or close objects that resemble wood include, bark, tree and twigs. Based on the list above, obviously some uses include changing the wood to products for use-pencil to write with, chairs to sit on, desk to lay things on, bats to hit baseballs, houses to live in, floors to walk on, and so on. Some memories that come to mind when I think about wood are school related wood materials (pencils, papers and desks mostly).
Some ideas that come two mind when combining the two include:
One way would be to use the wood (bat) to exert force on the rock (or baseball....?)
Another would be to literally combine the two together like creating a circle with rocks with sticks in the middle...(whatever that is)
You can build a fort with the both rock and wood.
Similarly a house (shelter) can be built with both (rock floor and wood surroundings)
A mallet could be created with both
Flames by creating friction with wood and rock (flint)
A hammer (similiarly to a mallet)
Old-fashioned barbecue pit
Old-fashioned cart or car (round rocks as wheels and wood on top)
Another would be to have the wood in some shape making it a target for rock throwing.
Another is to shape or cut the rock into triangle form and placing a long rectangular piece of wood over if to balance it (seesaw?)

As you can probably see, I feel it is difficult (maybe because I'm not used to it) to be creative with only a rock and wood as inanimate objects. But I can see how taking advantage and using each of the objects make up and uses can create possible products (as I also illustrated above from the possible outcomes from combining the two). As far as alterating the original ideas, I think suggested new uses for the products would make more sense (at least to me). For the pit, perhaps it can be used as a storage place of some kind or stone well (feel that this was already original in the first place but could've possibly evolved from a pit). Similarly a fort could've evolved to a simple shelter, or vice-versa. The use in the latter is for refuge while in the former is for protection. And finally the wood to exert force on the rock...could've possibly given rise to the birth of baseball (I can picture some cavemen playing around in that form)

1 comment:

  1. Dorian,

    It should be hard to come up with creative ideas with those two very separate objects. I personally liked your pit idea. Brain storming process and outcomes are all nicely done. Good job!
